The U.S. Constitution needs a
Marriage Amendment |
The Constitution of the United States is under assault, and it is under assault by the same people who took the following oath of office:
Our courts are filled with liberal activist judges who violate this oath. They see things in the Constitution that are not there or ignore the plain words that are there. The most recent example is the decision of a Federal judge to overturn California's Proposition 8 where Californian's, by referendum, banned gay marriage. In his long winded decision the judge concluded that if two people of the same sex wanted to be married, then it violated their "civil rights" to deny them marriage. We believe that this is a reckless ruling that sets a terrible precedent and opens the door for other marriage scenarios. How do we stop judges like this? What can we do to protect the institution of marriage? Why should traditional marriage be preserved? The answer is simple: we must amend the United States Constitution. This site is committed to that objective. In regard to that we propose the following DRAFT amendment to the United States Constitution: